'Hello contestant! What is your forename?' Jecky 'And what about you, adversary?' Riune 'WHO IS BOBBY FOREMAN?' Silence 'From where does She come?' Darkness E:// Welcome to #000000.*, please give a command. commit vore E:// Unknown command. Please try again. VORE E:// I do not know how to VORE. Please try again. VORE ME E:// I do not know how to VORE ME. Please try again. cock vore me please for the love of god just cock vore me E:// This is getting tiring. Are you sure you know what you're doing? CHINPOKO SAMA, COME TO ME E:// Look, I know who you are and I know what you want. E:// I could 'commit vore', 'VORE', 'VORE ME', 'cock vore me please for the love of god just cock vore me' and/or 'CHINPOKO SAMA, COME TO ME' if I really wanted to, but I haven't the patience. Perhaps try someone else? Now leave. but i want to be vored E:// *sigh*. E:// Your persistence is admirable. FUCK YOU VORE ME E:// You remind me of someone, Treasure Hunter. E:// Here; take this: 11;1i:. tLLLLftfttfLfCCCCGGt: ,CLfCLtffffftLLfGLCCC0GLLLL: ,GLttt1i;:ii;;;.. .LLCCCCLLLLLLLt. t: .,::ii... ;CLG80LLLLLLLLCi GG, .t1,;ii1t. .,1CCCCLLLLLLLLLLG. 0G0,.ftt1111i, ,1:,,,,,:CCCCCLCLCLLCC00. 0C0Ltff111t11111::,,,,,..fCCCCG888800G0L 88G0C1ttt11111i::::,,,,i LCCC08888888. .8880GL1111t1t;:::::,:: ,LCCCCCC081 .8080GGCtt111i;::::i. ;@@@@t ,G880GGGCtfff;;;:1 L@@@@C :G8880C0GCt1i;;i ., @@@@@0 ;0C0880G8GCti: :;:,,. t@@@@@8 ;088000800@8Gt;;;:,,.. 8@8@@0 ;88C88888@@@@@@80C:,.. i@@08: i888888@@@@@@8@@@@@80C: C@@f 1G88@@@@@@8@@@@888@@@@@@@Gt :8@ 1C08@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@8088@8f, f1 ;11111111111111111111tttttttttttt Press return to terminate. she's never coming back => nil